
President of Macao Medical Science& Technology Research Association Zheng Liheng and his entourage visit Qilu Hospital

Updatetime:2023-10-18 16:32:24 From:International Office

On the morning of October 11, Zheng Liheng, President of Macao Medical Science & Technology Research Association, and his entourage visited Qilu Hospital. Zheng Haitao, Director of Department of Talent Exchanges and Cooperation, Health Commission of Shandong Province and heads of the units directly under the commission accompanied the delegation. Xu Feng, Vice President of Qilu Hospital, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Heads of the Department of Emergency Medicine, Rehabilitation Center, Department of Critical Care Medicine, and International Office attended the meeting.

Zheng Haitao, on behalf of the Health Commission of Shandong Province, expressed his sincere welcome to Zheng Liheng and his entourage. Zheng Haitao introduced the health landscape of Shandong Province. He said that as a populous province, Shandong has been expanding its friend group on healthcare exchanges in recent years. He hoped that this meeting will lay a solid foundation for Shandong-Macao future practical cooperation in healthcare sector, and promote the establishment of connections between medical institutions and medical colleges of the two sides.

Xu Feng warmly welcomed the delegation on behalf of Qilu Hospital. He pointed out that the high-quality development of the hospital could not be achieved without the collaboration and unity of all parties. This meeting is an opportunity to promote the in-depth development of the “One country, two systems” in the medical field, as well as an important initiative of the hospital to undertake the mission of building a healthy China. Afterwards, Xu Feng introduced Qilu Hospital from the aspects of history and culture, discipline construction, talent team, scientific research, as well as development goals.

Zheng Liheng said that at present, Macao’s economy continues to recover, and the rising population leads to an increasing demand for medical treatments, which creates a greater room for improvement and potential for development in the field of medical science and scientific research. Macao Medical Science& Technology Research Association has always been committed to promoting the development of medical science and technology research, and cultivating scientific talents to meet the growing medical demand in Macao. He hoped that through this discussion, the two sides can enhance mutual understanding and exchanges in the future, to yield fruitful results in the field of personnel exchanges, technology cooperation, and scientific research.

At the meeting, heads of the units directly under the Health Commission of Shandong Province including Jing Xuening, Vice President of Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Liu Qingming, President of Shandong Second Provincial General Hospital, Lv Zheng, President of Shandong Academy of Chinese Medicine, Song Chao, Vice President of Shandong Provincial Third Hospital, Wang Jun, Vice President of Shandong Provincial Maternity Hospital briefly introduced their units. Heads of Department of Emergency Medicine, Rehabilitation Center, and Department of Critical Care Medicine of Qilu Hospital introduced their departments from the aspects of development, professional characteristics, academic results, and social responsibilities.

Subsequently, participants exchanged their ideas on medical development prospects, possibilities of the cooperation between medicine and scientific technology, etc. Liu Rui, Deputy Director of the General Division of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao S.A.R. said that, as the bridge of the cross-strait exchanges, the Office will keep promote cross-strait practical cooperation in medical coordination, personnel training, and scientific innovation.

Both sides agreed to take this meeting as an opportunity to communicate with each other, forge consensus, seek common development, and make greater contributions to safeguard the health and well-being of Chinese people.

After the meeting, the delegation visited the emergency wards and rehabilitation clinic in Qilu Hospital.

Macao Medical Science & Technology Research Association is an important science and technology innovation organization in Macao, dedicated to promoting the integration development of scientific technology with the medical field. Adhering to the concepts of innovation, synergy and sharing, the Association contributes actively to the promotion of scientific and technological research and development and industrial transformation in Macao.